Thursday, April 20, 2017

The Digital Writing Workshop - Book Review

Following is a list of  ten quotes that I had highlighted and that stuck with me while reading The Digital Writing Workshop, by Troy Hicks. Each quote either regards to the age of new literacies as a whole, or ways that digital literacies can be beneficial to both teachers and their students, and I'd like to share them with you.

1- "We must build upon our existing knowledge about the writing workshop, as it can help us reach this goal of using technology in pedagogically sound and sustainable ways (11)."

2-  "... these demands require us to think about the ways in which we engage students in digital writing and about how sharing writing online can become a key component of our workshop approach (15). "

3- " literacies encompass both the technical stuff of new literacies- knowing particular gadgets, web services, and other technology-based tools- as well as the ethos stuff, or the general mind-set toward a more open and collaborative process of literacy learning (16)."

4- "...inquiry and choice drive the workshop approach. With RSS and social bookmarking as ways to share and gather information, students' individual choices are highly malleable...(34)."

5- "While offering response online is different from face-to-face interactions that many of us find the best part of teaching writing, these types of responses allow us more time to offer substantive feedback. ...students appreciate the way in which we build relationships with them through digital writing connections (35)."

6- "Digital response allows you time to pause and reflect on each student's needs (37).

7- "Multimedia authoring requires students to combine texts, images, audio, and video in ways that rely on our traditional understandings of what it means to create good writing...(52). "

8- "...when students are responsible for posting their own writing and commenting on the writing of others, they are likely to feel more engaged in the writing process. By reading what others have written, they gather both ideas for their own writing as well as different elements of author's craft that can help make their writing better. The process f commenting on others' work can help writers identify what works, and what does not work, when creating their own pieces (83).

9- "Teachers now have the opportunity to watch and guide students writing...Teachers can track drafts of student's work, along with commentary on that work from other students...(103).

10-  "By building on the writing workshops principles of inquiry of choice, conferring and response, examining the author's craft, publishing beyond the classroom, and broadening our visions of assessment, digital writing tools can sometimes supplement, sometime enhance, and sometimes completely change the ways in which we work with writers (125). 

The main take away that I have gotten from this book is the definition of literacy is evolving, and there are so many tools to help teachers incorporate and teach this new literacy in the classroom! I love that this book in many cases gives step but step procedures for how to involve some of these ideas into your classroom. This book is full of ideas, and would be extremely helpful and beneficial to any teacher! (10/10 would recommend reading.)


  1. Good work thinking about the evolving definition of literacy. What was expected of teenagers in terms of literacy has certainly changed over time.

  2. This book sounds like a very beneficial resource to have in today's classroom. I'll have to check it out!
